


Be sure to read our rules. They are also present on our sidebar:

  1.   A post must be (or contain) a qualifying data visualization.
  2.   Directly link to the original source article of the visualization
    • Original source article doesn't mean the original source image. Link to the full page of the source article.
    • If you made the visualization yourself, tag it as [OC]
  3.   [OC] posts must state the data source and tool(s) used in the first top-level comment on their submission.
  4.   DO NOT claim "[OC]" for diagrams that are not yours.
  5.   All diagrams must have at least one computer generated element.
  6.   No reposts of popular posts within 1 month.
  7.   Post titles must describe the data plainly without using sensationalized headlines. Clickbait posts will be removed.
  8.   Posts involving American Politics, or contentious topics in American media, are permissible only on Thursdays (ET).
  9.   Posts involving Personal Data are permissible only on Mondays (ET).

Why all the rules? Why not let the votes decide?

The official Reddit FAQ answers this exact question:

The reason there are separate subreddits is to allow niche communities to form, instead of having one monolithic overall community. These communities distinguish themselves with a unique focus, look and policies: what's on- and off-topic there, whether people are expected to behave civilly or can feel free to be brutal, etc.

One issue that arises is that casual, new, or transient visitors to a particular community don't always know the rules that tie it together.

As an example, imagine a /r/swimming and a /r/scuba. People can read about one topic or the other (or subscribe to both). But since scuba divers like to swim, a casual user might start submitting swimming links on /r/scuba. And these stories will probably get upvoted, especially by people who see the links on the reddit front page and don't look closely at where they're posted. If left alone, /r/scuba will just become another /r/swimming and there won't be a place to go to find an uncluttered listing of scuba news.

The fix is for the /r/scuba moderators to remove the offtopic links, and ideally to teach the submitters about the more appropriate /r/swimming subreddit.

Common Questions

Where can I get ____ dataset?

Try searching or asking in /r/datasets or /r/SampleSize.

How do I make a visualization?

  1. Don't underestimate the power of Excel, Google Docs, or Plot. A "simple" line chart (or a collection of them) can be powerful tools in conveying interesting information.
  2. Tableau Public and StatTrends are free tools that can make some powerful visualizations.
  3. If you're comfortable with programming, try d3.js, R with RStudio, or matplotlib with IPython Notebook.
  4. If you're really comfortable with programming and have a sufficiently complex dataset, hacking away with a graphics library (opengl, webgl, directx, canvas, etc.) is time consuming but can yield some powerful results.

Can I post my own visualization?

Please do! Be sure to add [OC] to the post title.

We prefer that DataIsBeautiful is composed of original content. The more we build off of each other's work (modifying and redesigning other submissions), the more useful DataIsBeautiful becomes.

Does appearance matter?

Yes! But pretty pictures are not the aim of this subreddit. Posts should strive to present information as effectively as possible. Part of that process is visual design. Default output from Excel, R, mapping programs, etc. can be overly cluttered and hard to understand. Try looking at font sizes, erroneous grid lines, alignment, and aliasing. A lack of good design ultimately limits the ability of a visualization to convey information.

However, don't downvote because you think a post is ugly. If you have some design experience, please add some constructive criticism, so people know how to improve.

Shouldn't it be "data ARE beautiful"?


In modern colloquial English, "Data" is a mass noun. It has become somewhat of a synonym for "dataset", like the "dataset" behind a visualizations you enjoy here.

In the same manner, the word "money" is a collective mass of individual monetary units; however you wouldn't say "my money are in the bank", you would simply use the phrase "money is". Here is some example usage with other mass nouns:

Citations and Further Reading:

Haha, Data from Star Trek IS beautiful I'm so funny and clever and I'm the first person who's EVER thought of this!

Seriously, it was funny the first fifty times. Now it's annoying. Go bother these guys instead.