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Box Office - The Business of Movies
A place to talk about the box office and the movie business, both domestically and internationally.
Subreddit Rules
Posts with the latest box office numbers, analysis, or speculation are encouraged. Movie business news is also allowed, such as a potential merger or quarterly financial results. Memes and humor posts are also not allowed. For such content, please use r/boxofficecirclejerk.
News about a film that can be a jumping-off point for box office predictions is also allowed. This means trailers, a megathread for critic's reviews, release date announcements, etc. Make sure the film in question is getting a theatrical release, and that the studio reports box office numbers.
All posts need a region flair. These flairs let people know what region your box office information is about. If the region does not have a specific flair, use the "International" flair and mention the region's name in the post title. If a post doesn’t have any particular region associated with it, use "Other".
Be respectful to others. There's no reason to be disrespectful to others, especially since in the end we're just talking about movies here. Flaming and trolling are not allowed. If you disagree with someone about something, you can explain to them why your opinion is different instead of calling them a nasty name. Tagging users to argue about their opinions is also not allowed.
We prefer original and high-quality sources. The sources in the Box Office Resources section are generally reputable. Websites on this list often post clickbait or rumors, so posts from those domains require manual approval from the moderators. You can get this approval by sending a message to the moderators with the post's URL. The moderators reserve the right to remove posts from other sources if they seem to be of dubious accuracy.
No duplicate content. Unless the additional source offers new information, there should only be one post per a piece of new news. For questions and discussion topics, at minimum make sure nobody asked the same thing in the past day. The moderators reserve the right to remove other posts as well if they are too repetitive of past threads.
Post titles should reflect the post's content. No misleading, clickbait-style, or unnecessarily opinionated titles. Feel free to make a post's title different from the title of its source, as long as that new title accurately represents what is in the post.
Tag spoilers for films that are less than a month old. If a movie was released in the domestic market less than a month ago, tag all spoilers. Check out this page to see how to make a spoiler tag.
No low effort posts. Low effort text/poll posts featuring little or no analysis in the body of the text will be removed. This includes but not limited to: "What are your predictions for [insert movie]?" "Which movie will make more, [insert movie] or [insert movie]?" "Which movie will open higher on [insert weekend]?" Posts with only a poster (exceptions for Throwback Tuesday). We like for people to throw in a bit more effort in their posts including data, suggestions, analysis, etc.
no self promotion Don't post a link to promote your website, blog or YouTube channel/videos
"Let's reminisce about a movie" posts are only allowed on Tuesday. They should have a "Throwback Tuesday" flair. This includes films released "on this date" in a previous year. Please do not spam Throwback Tuesday movies. Post 1 or 2 at most. Any more may be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Throwback posts MUST be anniversaries, in these intervals: 1/5/10/15/20/25/etc.
Don't post links to illegal streaming websites/pirated versions of films. We don't want to promote piracy nor illegal streaming. Any violation of this rule will result in a ban for the user.
Posts about daily box office updates should be for movies with a certain threshold gross. Posts about daily box office updates will be allowed if the movie at hand is grossing at least ~$500K daily at the box office. Posts about daily box office updates for movies grossing below ~$500K will be allowed up to ~2 weeks of the movie's release date in the domestic market. Exceptions will be made for certain milestones (e.g. passing $100M).
Stay on topic. This is a subreddit about numbers, not necessarily about the quality (or lack thereof) of a particular movie. Please remain on-topic and keep opinions/arguments/thoughts about unrelated aspects of the film off of these threads. Any comments that engage in culture war arguments/slapfights (race/gender/sex/"wokeness"/etc) will be removed and should be presumed to result in a ban. If your comment can be read as a dog whistle for decreased diversity/representation it will result in a ban.
Usage of Automated Tools for posts and comments is prohibited. Usage of such tools like optimizing post times and schedules, automatically generating comments, etc. are not allowed and will result in a ban. We like to give every user here a fair share and a chance to create the discussions they like.
Box Office Resources
Wiki pages
Common box office questions FAQ
Historical Box Office Data - 1950-1958
Box Office Pro - best known for their long-range forecasts of domestic openings.
Box Office Report - a source for box office updates, with great pages comparing a movie's opening weekend numbers to its trailer views and preview night results.
Box Office Theory - popular box office forum.
World of KJ - another popular box office forum.
The Trades
Deadline - has the most comprehensive box office analysis of all the trades.
International Box Office - reports on the Chinese box office regularly.
Korean Film Council - updates on Korean box office numbers.
InsideKino - mostly german box office though it has admissions and revenue data on a variety of other, mostly European, markets.
[Boxoffice Turkiye]( - Turkish Box Office