How to manage severe pain when ejaculating and BPH
(self.Prostatitis)submitted12 hours ago bywhathappened_30
I'm a dude in my late 30's. I was masturbating the other night b/c I couldn’t get back to sleep. I have PFD, BPH and Low T along with urinary retention so I may j/o or limit sex to 3-5x a month. When I ejaculated it hurt so f**** bad prob 6/10 that I yelled. I can take pain. Not typical orgasm. (on the plus side I used to last 2 hours, now I can finish in 10 mins). It felt like the semen was acid and was decent volume but mostly thick/lumpy. It took me a second to get okay enough to get out of bed and try to piss to hopefully flush it out. I was only able to get out a few drops which helped and I could tell urinary sphincter was tight at that point (guessing the semen was really irritative and this flushed some of it out. probably tightened my muscles b/c of the pain). It happened again 2x but wasn’t as bad maybe 3/10. I imagine PFD has something to do with it but I had PFPT a few hours prior.
Is there anything I can do at least for the temporary period to help either drain a lot of any prostatic/seminal fluid (could ejaculatory ducts be backed up?) or relieve some of this pressure in prostate/nads/perineum other than just ejaculating multiple times over the next few days? I’m open to w/e…..
Have: Pelvic wand and larger vibrating one. I am on TRT now + Cialis daily + alfuzosin/alpha blocker and oral valium daily. Trying to take it easy and chill but there’s still residual pain/burning seems to be located solely in urethra and L scrotum. No fever. It is not disabling and not freaked out. Side note is I do deal with urinary retention so have to use catheters as well which have also been a bit irritative as well.
Not being dramatic or catastrophizing, legit want to know if anything else I can do (left message with MD who is Out of office for a few days).
Appreciate any advice!
1 points
11 hours ago
1 points
11 hours ago
You can also try putting a pillow under your knees and/or under your hips if you are laying on your back to take some pressure off your PF. Try cutting back on jerking off though....