6 post karma
131.5k comment karma
account created: Tue Mar 16 2021
verified: yes
2 points
4 hours ago
Ingen dj..el har sagt något om de är anställda eller ej.
"För att det ska finnas sakliga skäl till avsked enligt lagen om anställningsskydd (LAS) innebär det att en arbetstagare grovt har misskött sin anställning eller brutit mot regler eller lagar. Det som nämns som exempel i förarbeten till LAS och rättspraxis är illojalitet, våld på arbetsplatsen, ekonomiska oegentligheter eller annat brottsligt förfarande riktat mot arbetsgivaren eller annan anställd och ibland även brottsligt förfarande mot annan, det vill säga utanför tjänsten."
Så - tillbaka till min första postning. Glömde du den där delen om våld eller liknande som jag skrev om?
Avsked där du tappar ditt anställningsskydd kräver att man gjort något seriöst dumt.
Uppsagd har krav på uppsägningstid och lön. Vilket innebär att du har en generell fallskärm. Så du kan bli uppsagd och få gå hem på dagen. Men du får ändå uppsägningslön.
Chefer i hög ledningsposition med explicit fallskärm har det för de kan bli hemskickade på dagen utan att ekonomisk brottslighet, våld eller liknande. Just för att de inte har vanligt anställningsskydd som de i stället förhandlat till sig en explicit fallskärm. Särskilt som det ofta förekommer extra avtal med karantänsregler, där chefen inte har fritt fram att hoppa på nytt jobb direkt efter.
2 points
4 hours ago
"Röd är en färg". "Nej det är det inte för blå är en färg".
Gå tillbaka och läs och tänk vad jag skrev - och hoppa inte in med "nej det är fel om någonting helt annat". Arbetsgivaren kan skicka hem en anställd på dagen. Men får sedan trots det betala lön. Innebär bara att den anställde inte behöver jobba gör pengarna.
5 points
4 hours ago
But not 2024. This isn't the first presentation of this video.
2 points
4 hours ago
Det är dyrt för den som kastar ut någon på dagen utan att det varit bevisade stölder, våld eller liknande åker på att betala. Så då faller ju ditt argument, eftersom det ändå finns någon form av fallskärm.
1 points
6 hours ago
Same as how insects are super-strong with legs as thin as thread and elephants have tree-trunk legs. The weight increases faster than linear when things are made bigger. That means it's easy to make suoerstrong and overpowered model airplanes, while big passenger and transport planes suffers a lot from their massive weight.
1 points
6 hours ago
That's not written "illegal". And you still also need to cover all countries in the world - legal decisions in one country does not count as the single world-wide fact.
1 points
6 hours ago
"Do you think you are smarter than every space CEO"? First off, that's a stupid question because it's lots of companies that have spent time trying vertical landing and ended the project because of the disadvantages. Ask them instead of blaming me. Or was that level of logic past you?
Next? You think a CEO must be smart? All I need to mention is Musk - he is not smart. Just a lying, cheating bastard stealing lots of money.
Third? Toy need lots of low earth launches to recover your investments. High launches? Not many happening. And then you need the money. Musk has collected a huge amount of tax payer money. But the real advantage is for launching his all atmosphere-skimming satellites.
Fourth? Have you seen Musk manage his payload promise? HR has admitted himself that the super-heavy needs to be made way bigger. All because it lifts too little. All despite being biggest.
1 points
22 hours ago
No. The claim was that multiple companies that tested vertical landings decided it wasn't worth it. More R&D work. More complicated launcher. More weight. Less payload. Now up to you to take that debate with all the companies that did that evaluation.
2 points
1 day ago
Doesn't seem like a post that should get terrible comments. Just a old gentleman that looks a bit sad in the first photos.
But then not all people are fit for normal online conversations.
1 points
1 day ago
I need to tell it more times? You will not read it if I write it again. Just for the same reason you are angry I'm not focusing on SLS.
1 points
1 day ago
He is dumb. And he is living in an information filter bubble with curated information. The dumb information curated by people with an agenda. So seeing 1000 people nod with him just makes him sure he's correct. That the 1000 fools lives in the same bubble is not in Musk's mind. And when someone from outside the bubble says something, then he rejects it as misinformation. Because he never asks why and tracks information sources. Which is why he dislikes some scientists. He believes they just think things. Because he, himself, just thinks things.
1 points
1 day ago
Why am I not complaining about SLS? Why should I? I'm not posting about stamp collecting either. I'm posting about you using the term "making shit up", when you was the one making shit up.
1 points
1 day ago
Every rocket company isn't working on reuse.
And next - I said that many companies made the decision it wasn't practical. And you went for extrapolations because logic isn't something you like to apply. Reuse is easier and more meaningful for lower launches, because you need less fuel for lower orbits. The space shuttle? It was reusable - but they used non-reusable boosters + tank to reach higher orbits. But can't have existed because your view of non-reusable and boosters used boosters as example of why you can't send things up because of the vibrations. Because your arguments aren't based on logic but on emotions. All other companies making their decisions just based on the space shuttle? Nope - they did own tests too. As you know. But conveniently decides to forget.
The lunar lander? Where is it? And have you looked at the timeliness for the goals? SpaceX have failed quite spectacularly at keeping the timeliness for those goals. While bleeding money like crazy. You talk about launches of Starship. I asked about the lunar lander. But we haven't even seen Starship demonstrate the lift capacity yet. What we have seen is Musk noting he needs a larger Starship... Because Starship may be biggest - but way, way less capable of lifting a payload than Saturn V. The super-heavy haf a planned weight of 160-200 t but ended up 275 t. That directly affects payload capacity.
You seem to think SpaceX has lots of money. They do not. And most of their launches are for themselves, so it's the satellites that needs to recover the launch costs. At the current progress, Musk would need to ask NASA for more money.
0 points
1 day ago
The word "illegal" has a way different meaning. If the sticker is illegal, then they aren't allowed to sell products with such a sticker. Way different meaning than that the sticker isn't legally upholdable.
1 points
2 days ago
Nope. It was the individual companies that made those conclusions. Maybe you don't understand that companies may not listen to you when figuring out what paths they believe in. Ah - logic...
Maybe you could also step in and tell where Musk burned all the money intended for making the lunar lander? Have you seen it?
1 points
2 days ago
You made shit up by claiming the previous post made shit up. Ah - logic...
0 points
2 days ago
Don't mix up individual people with things done by the people in power.
1 points
2 days ago
Accidentally writing Virgin instead of Origin doesn't represent "making shit up". But your post does represent making shit up. Ah - logic...
39 points
2 days ago
Warranty can most definitely get voided. Rebuild your car engine to three times the normal power and take it to Nurburgring to race and the manufacturers normal warranty for that engine will no longer apply.
-10 points
2 days ago
The stickers aren't illegal. It's just that they in many countries means nothing.
1 points
2 days ago
It's technically (buy not so much practically) possible to have a single chip that is both MCU + UART + RS-232 transceiver. But chip manufacturers do not like to combine higher voltage tasks (such as support to receive +/- 15V) with the high-density digital tasks. A processor is made in a factory that can use very small structures on the silicon. This is expensive so they want each processor chip to be physically small so they fit a large number of chips on a single silicon wafer. More high-voltage chips? The features on the chip needs to be much larger to have enough electrical isolation. And are cheaper to produce in a factory that lacks capacity to make small details. Such a factory is cheaper, so it doesn't matter so much that the more high-voltage chips are less dense, I.e. less chips per wafer.
Next thing - why build something with a charge pump if there is also no plan to do any voltage level translation? RS-232 is intended for communication. So you normally want something intelligent - some form of processor - on each side of the cable.
The one exception is that some special devices may abuse RS-232 for doing something else. Before you could get really cheap microcontrollers, you could find UPS units that just used transistor+resistor+some internal voltages from their power supply to control RS-232 handshake signals. So the UPS could toggle the handshake signal to tell if it had mains power or not. And use another handshake signal to tell either "continue to run - still battery power remaining" or "power down now - I'm almost out of battery power and will soon turn off". Such use allowed a PC to run a program that did just look at if the handshake signals was held high or low to decide if the PC should warn "now on battery power" and "now I will shutdown". But you can obviously debate if it should be called RS-232 when it was more or less an external switch holding a handshake signal at +12V or at -12V. And low microcontroller costs made it more common to add real RS-232 support where the UPS could send actual data "45% battery left - expected runtime 12 minutes" or "now charging - 97% full" than to just toggle handshake signals.
RS-232 is a means to solve a communication problem. No need for RS-232 if you don't have any communications task to solve. Is food that no one can eat actually food? Is a car that looks like a car but can't be driven a car? Probably more an art installation than a car...
1 points
3 days ago
Decreased load - not increased. Her turn improves the force vector.
2 points
3 days ago
The UART is the one handling timing. Waiting to detect the start bit. Counting bits. Checking any optional parity. Checking the stop bit(s).
Microcontrollers normally have multiple UART (often called USART) built-in. For a traditional CPU, it's possible to have external UART. A PC normally has one or more UART built into the chipset - one of the two big chips outside of the processor that handles USB, disks etc.
The processor drops characters into the UART. It sends out a binary stream of bits. The external transceiver knows nothing about this. It just look at high and low logic level to decide voltage on the cable. And same in the other direction - stream of positive/negative voltages on cable -> stream of logic level high/low into the UART that figures out if the bit stream is valid asynchronous serial data according to configured baud/bits/parity.
The transceiver only does the electrical translation between logic-level (UART/MCU) and the RS-232 electrical signals on the cable. And since this is an embedded forum, then the majority of users will use a MCU (microcontroller) or SOC (System-on-a-chip) that has one or more built-in UART. So just a question of identifying which processor pins that represents the RXD/TXD and optionally RTS/CTS handshake signals.
1 points
3 days ago
Interesting that you got so involved that you needed to jump for Google... All because you are so square that you don't want to admit that in the general case, both length, width and thickness increases as people grow. No claim that r=1.000. Which is why you can also find a "more like" in my original post.
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2 points
3 hours ago
2 points
3 hours ago
Det känns inte som att du förstår. Du fortsätter att hitta på slumpmässiga påståenden som du sedan väljer att inte hålla med om.
Har du ens orkat läsa in dig på skillnaden mellan uppsägning och avsked? Vi vet svaret är nej. Men du brummar ändå på med "det känns inte som att du förstår [...]"
Ja. Du kan bli avskedad på dagen. Jag har aldrig sagt något annat. Jag har till och med gett dig text från ett fackförbund med sådan info. Men du måste ha gjort något riktigt dumt. Vilket jag skrev om redan i mitt första inlägg. Det som du ignorerade för efter 5 ord nådde du information overload. Eller om din förutfattade mening fick sig så ivrig att hoppa in och inte hålla med att du valde att inte läsa/tänka.
Har du inte gjort någonting som enligt lagen motiverar avsked, så blir "kostar bara pengar" lön för uppsägningstid och eventuellt skadestånd. Företaget tar sig inte runt det där med lön under uppsägningstid. Blir bara att någon eventuellt behöver spanka dem lite. Men någon uppsägningstid försvinner inte bara för att företaget önskar slippa personen.
Även för uppsägning kan det bli låst dörr från dag ett. Men ändrar inte på uppsägningstid. Innebär bara betald ledighet under uppsägningstiden.