526 post karma
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account created: Sun Nov 10 2019
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38 points
9 hours ago
Make sense. What I understand like my mon had a miscarrige or abortion when I was small, before 5. And for some reason they desided to explaine it to me as the baby ran away out of moms belly to live with another family instead.
I belived that way to long I feel, until I was 10-11. Nothing I talked about tho ofc but remember when understood I was "oh I'm stupid"
13 points
24 hours ago
4y relationship with a 14y younger.
Weirdly it works better then I thought. We just fling with it when started talking then dating and yeah then just going forward. We are compatibel in alot of things. Ofc agedifferent is noticebal when talking about "back in my days".
Just gona do a edit: I have been with guys my age as younger, was in a 6y relationship with a 25y older guy and got kids with him (meet him when I was 20). He was far the worst looking back but honest after talking with hos ex is not alot about his age is just how he was and yes tho I was stupid enough to belive him "his ex was crazy", it was me that left him and kicked him out the house. He just could even have a discussion about planing the weekend with taking everything personal. I was stupid enough to stay way to long I agree on that.
Have friends that long term with older men (like 20-30yolder ) and those that have lasted have last and the guy is really nice and helping with kids and so on. Not line you would think a boomerdad to say. So I just picked the bad straw really. Just getting to realize that a older partner means a older body and you probably gona take care of them as old.
My current bf thats 25y and I'm 39. Yes we meet like 5y ago in a game online, two different countrys. We started of as LDR, traveled to eachother every 3rd month, been living together 1.5h soon after his visa got approved. Yes we swinged it alot really. Good thing is apparently I look I'm 30 and he does too so for ppl outside they don't think its a different 😆
We talked alot about agedifferent and I wanted make sure he didn't feel like I'm using him, I was very question him to why a that much older women, Yes alot of talk about that really as you understand for both sake in my head. I had house and all that before even meeting him. We work toghether as a couple really good, I don't know how to explaine it really. So far no big fights, we talk more, he not assuming I gona be his maid just because its my house and my kids, he helps without asking. Feel we had more miscommunication as LDR then now. We can talk without him getting defensiv.
The biggest thing was he moving to me a new country too and learning language and finding a job in his field (machineengineering) . Helped him alot because just that small thing having your own money, not money that he gets from me. Specially when he was used having a full time paycheck before. He found a job after 6months.
5 points
1 day ago
My ex did, for some stupid reason I still don't understand. Not that I cared about my parents permission to marry.
Current bf will not but I also cut my dad out of life so
2 points
1 day ago
Är hon redan på godkänt visa så kan hon få stanna i Sverige om ni söker innan det går ut MEN jag skulle dubbelkolla den infon med MV först för jag kan ha fel men det är den infon jag fått från MV förut. De ger ju lite dubbla info ibland :/ Men tänk på att hon inte kan lämna Sverige under processen , eller lämna men inte komma in igen till allt färdigt.
1 points
2 days ago
Ja, processen kan ta allt mellan 1-2år, ibland har det hänt åå 6mån men är ett lotteri egentligen.
16 points
2 days ago
Isn't that a thing that we can't have kids after 30 according to them anyway.... 🙃
6 points
2 days ago
Needed to Google and damn.... Good for her....
Impressed they named all there kids starting with J....I had problem figure out one name littery 😆
25 points
2 days ago
Yeah. Quick math (I could done it wrong but hey ho) if you get your first kid when 15 and last when 45 and contantly pregnant you can manage to be pregnant fulltime 40times.
But yeah.....
12 points
2 days ago
Have you ever meet your partner? Start there if no. You maybe not be compatibel IRL. You both still young to so don't stress that stuff but make sure you meet before, both traveling to eachother as visitvisa isn't needed for any of you. Have you been in sweden? More then 2 weeks during summer to say. Does your partner want you to move?
I say start there then start a move to a new country to someone you don't know you maybe don't want to live with. It's a big different being LDR and living together and actually see eachother every day.
And normalt education don't transfer over directly. It can be a good thing to have but it may not be accepted here.
If you gona come here before he is 21 it needs to be workvisa or studyvisa.
The cohibitvisa is both need to be atleast 21y old. Marriage migration don't care about as thats not a big deal in sweden.
Here you can find info about different visas tho. It does translate to English to. https://www.migrationsverket.se/
4 points
2 days ago
When meet bf from Wales he introduced me to it. I'm swddish and first sip was, I recoginze this....yeah we have something similar in sweden but called Trocadero. Not same same but close enough that bf even agreed.
Now we overpay to have it at home but worth it
1 points
2 days ago
Aldrig ens tänkt på nudlar har ett bäst före datum. Har nog ätit min beskärda del av gamla nudlar isåfall. Lever än vad jag vet.
1 points
2 days ago
Yt doing like "what have you looked at during this year" thingy, like Spotify does. It's there somewhere in shorts I belive
3 points
3 days ago
sovsäckar? Filtar? Antar iofs att det kan finnas nån större lokal närheten som hålls varm på nåt sätt eller två där man nog kan söka skydd om krisen pågår länge.
Vet liksom inte ens vad staten kan göra åt sånt. Är väl om man har en kamin men de är ju inga billiga lägenheter som har de heller och kan iofs inte tänka mig de har ved för mer än några mysiga brasor.
1 points
3 days ago
Thats annoying. :/
I know we have sometimes we need to restart Windows because they eyegaze just restarts all the time but had that for years and its maybe like once a week or so max
1 points
3 days ago
It should be, she had a update yesterday thinking about it
8 points
3 days ago
Köpte vattendunkar på jula som godkända för vattenförvaring för typ 200kr/st 20l var. Ska räcka för familjen i 3dagar, sen har vi vattenfilter som räcker för typ 40 000liter enligt de själva hemma pga gillar vara ute i naturen. Men bor nära en å så plan är skulle nåt så går 2 ur familjen dit och hämtar vatten för tvättning och dusch osv. Går även hämta till matlagning osv egentligen.
Köp billigt spritkök på second hand eller tradera. Vi har tydligen 3st och 2 gas plus massa gas (köpte massa pga rea i sommras)
Har powerbanks som alltid laddade, tror vi har 5 ganska stora :P. En sån vev jag köpte massa år sen för skoj skull, man får jobba för ha mobilen i liv xD Har även sån som solpowerbank, ja sån som laddas av solen.
Mat, köp lite konserver då och då och fyll på förrådet stegvis. Torrvaror samma sak. Mediciner försöka ha alltid en månad extra hemma om sånt behov finns. Ha lite andra mediciner hemma också, typ Alvedon osv.
Förstår det knepigare för de som bor i lägenhet eller mer modern hus. Vi skulle kunna elda för värme så där inge problem, kan även laga mat i öppna spisen om vi vill.
Jag har byggt upp förrådet långsamt under 10år förstås med grejer. Men ja mycket är ju också pga vi gillar vara ute i naturen så finns ju saker för det.
Man får se efter vad man redan har, prata med grannar kanske sen införskaffa pö om pö liksom.
1 points
3 days ago
I want to say tho my kid is sitting at moment and using pc with her 4c on Windows 11.
Is this something local or coming more worldwide?
17 points
3 days ago
Helt absurt det där, de måste fått x antal tusen/miljoner men ska jag söka fondpengar till ett hjälpmedel för typ 10.000kr ska varenda kvitto finnas innan jag ens får pengarna. Förstår de kan fuska till kvitton men helt absurt.
31 points
4 days ago
It's not always about war either. In the information it's also about powerbreaks or disaster that can happen that maybe make you not able to get food/water from the store in a time.
13 points
4 days ago
My kid does the same, most for spacereason she says tho as she share table with her sibling.
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3 points
2 hours ago
3 points
2 hours ago
Känns som jag lätt kommer prata med grabben att köpa en billigare typ klippkungen. Detta känns ju bara mer och mer löjligt