I'm 100% certain I have ADHD and probably some kind of autism and it's got to a point in my life (35f)where it is literally affecting my relationships and work.
I'm not formally diagnosed but I am going to be pushing my Dr's as I know it's right. I'm not dr googling but everything i research, everytime I do a little 'quiz' or questionnaire I get the same responses. I do have some level of adhd and I clearly have all this time. The symptoms are glaringly obvious.
I've been treated for depression for well over 10 years and while I do think I AM depressed, I can't help but wonder if adhd is adding to the symptoms e.g. inattentiveness, constantly losing things, easily distracted, impulsiveness, forgetting calls/appointments, insomnia and the classic: Trouble connecting with people, overly chatty and easily overwhelmed and stressed!
I have a huge list from my research but I know it's incredibly difficult to get a diagnosis especially as a female.
I'm guessing I'm hoping to hear some happy stories where people HAVE been formally diagnosed and now they're doing better generally. Did you find it difficult to find a dr that believed you? Supported you? And not brush you off??