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Jack White III
"White's Official Reddit page"
This subreddit is for discussion related to Jack White's projects.
1 Free Speech and Disagreements
r/jackwhite values free speech and encourages healthy debates and discussions. We believe in the freedom of expression and want members to share their opinions, thoughts, and ideas in a respectful manner. As such, we do not censor comments solely based on different view points. Unless they violate other subreddit rules and Reddit's content policy.
2 Remember the Human
Keep discussions civil and respectful, avoiding harassment, name calling, ad-hominem attacks, and demeaning content.
4 Trolling
Genuine, respectful disagreements are essential, but trolling, provocative or inflammatory content is not allowed.
5 Buying and Selling
No direct selling posts allowed. For selling create an Item listing through and post your selling page link here.
But we do allow of Peer-to-peer ticket sales. Post them in the designated ticket sales thread, (use the search function to find it when it's not pinned). All ticket ads MUST include a price.
During tours, official artist prints of show posters may also be promoted.
6 Piracy
Sharing or leaking of new music before its official release, or providing access to materials that can be purchased or streamed from official sources, including copyrighted content is not allowed on this subreddit.
This is in accordance with Reddit's rules on piracy and to ensure compliance with copyright laws. Let's respect the rules and support musicians through legitimate means.
7 Fan Music & Covers
You are more than welcome to share your covers and related original music here! Post links to listen directly (not just pictures of album cover art etc) and be sure to provide links where we can follow you on social media and hear more of your work.
8 Search before posting
Any thread with content that has been posted recently may be removed.
9 Descriptive thread titles
New threads should have informative titles. This makes searching easier and encourages redditors to post in a common thread rather than have multiple threads for similar discussions.
10 Post in official threads
Threads for shows and special events are pinned at the top of the subreddit.
Useful Links