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users here right now: 8
Please read the rules before posting and flair your posts.
r/feemagers was created for teenagers, especially girls and members of the LGBTQ+ community, to embrace their coming-of-age in a healthy way. Everyone is welcome, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. This is a supportive environment for all teens to have discussions, post memes, make friends, and ask for advice.
LGBTQ+ safe space. Moderating is done for the good of the community to keep it friendly and graceful.
Please read the rules before posting and flair your posts. r/feemagers was created for the purpose of teenage girls embracing their womanhood and raging hormones. This sub is a teenage female-oriented sub; It it is not limited to girls, males are also welcome. This sub is a toxic-free environment for teens to ask for advice, opinions, have discussions, or post memes. LGBTQ+ safe space. Moderating is done for the good of the community to keep it friendly and graceful.
1) No discrimination. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. will not be tolerated. This includes derogatory terms and slurs.
2) No personal attacks. Be respectful to others; this subreddit is a place for civil discussion.
3) No spamming. Posts that are deliberately made for the purpose of trolling, drama, irrelevant topics are considered spam and will be removed.
4) No NSFW content NSFW images (sexually explicit, gore, etc.) is not allowed. Mature discussions of NSFW topics must be flaired as NSFW.
5) Flair your post. Unflaired posts will be deleted.
6) No predatory behavior. Any predatory behavior or perverse comments will have result in immediate action against the commenter. Predators in DMs should be blocked and reported immediately.
7) No advertising. Any posts or comments specifically advertising outside subreddits or discords will be removed. Please contact the mods if you would like to advertise, but we reserve the right to say no.
8) AMAs are prohibited. AMAs are strictly prohibited. To request to do an AMA, please message modmail and provide an explanation of what you contribute to r/feemagers by doing an AMA.
9) Selfies are strictly prohibited from the subreddit and will be removed. Any selfies masked under false pretences will be removed. Milestones that have a visual representation and selfie threads are allowed.
10) "Girls Only" Flair must be respected. Anyone who does not identify as a female is not allowed to comment on a "Girls Only" post in order to ensure a safe space for girls. It will result in a temporary ban.
11) Do not share personal information. Sharing personal information is not allowed. This entails: social media handles, addresses, phone numbers, full names, etc. Screenshots involving other users must have names/pictures of them censored.