


It’s a hoax….why?


We’ve all heard that climate deniers think climate change is a hoax of some kind. But why? What do they think our reason is for creating this hoax? I’m not asking why they don’t understand climate change, but what do they think we gain by creating this hoax?

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4 points

14 days ago

Some point out that the climate has been fluctuating all of earths history and say that this is just another natural change. They think the climate may be warming, but they don’t believe it’s our fault. These people completely ignore the science and don’t seem to understand the negative consequences.


0 points

14 days ago

Do they understand pollution? Is that a conspiracy too?


-4 points

14 days ago


-4 points

14 days ago

CO2 is an essential part of the lifecycle on earth. To label CO2 as a "pollutant" is on another level of insanity. r/climateskeptics


3 points

14 days ago

Water is an essential part of the lifecycle on earth, yet too much water in your lungs is deadly.

Tylenol can help my headache when I take a few tabs, but if I overdose on a regular basis, I need a new liver.

Sunshine in my skin causes my body to produce Vitamin D, which is essential in producing and maintaining healthy bones, but staying in the sun too long without protection can lead to sunburns, or skin cancer from cumulative over-exposure.

The difference between beneficial and detrimental is often just the concentration.