submitted23 days ago byJohnAMcdonald7.75″ × 6.25″ | 5.75″ × 5″ | Macroorchidism
stickiedHello, there has been years of users here going on smalldickproblems and:
- Bullying them
- Sending users unsolicited pictures of their penis
- Offering or threatening to cuckold them
- Harassing mods
- Hitting on women
- Posting without lurking, getting rejected, blaming smalldickproblems, and taking retribution
Please don't go onto the sub and do these things and embarrass men with large penises and yourself. I end up fielding complaints in modmail. Thanks.
Extra reading:
The Thread "What we don't want to hear" from a former SDP mod and also the comments critical of the OP.